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Cassandra Santiago is raising money for the Everett YMCA 2016 Annual Campaign

Fundraising Amount=$345.00 ; Goal=$800.00
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This is my second year supporting the Everett YMCA Annual Campaign and as many of you know, in the past few years I have worked hard to make big changes in my health.  It hasn't been fast or easy, but the one thing it has been is fun and enlightening. I owe this in large part to my local YMCA. The Y has become more than a gym. It is a community of people helping people...a family. 

 When I first joined, the YMCA was just a gym. With each person that I met, every story heard and most importantly, every smile witnessed, it become clear that this was more than treadmills and a pool. Whether it be the health screens for those that can't afford routine maintenance healthcare, swim lessons for under priveleged children, community gathering events, a safe place for parents to send their kids after school, a wicked game of b-ball, a warm cup of coffee on a cold day or a simple word of encouragement on a tough day...the YMCA outstretches a supportive hand when needed most.

 But none of these services could be provided without donations. While my "gym" fee helps pay the bills, our donations are what allow the Y to serve the people. Whether you are part of the local Everett family or are family to me, please take the time to donate what you can towards a program that has helped me in so many ways.


Donors and Comments

April Rebollo  gave $50.00 3/18/2016
"This means you have to sing tonight!"
Daniel Santiago  gave $50.00 3/18/2016
April Raneri  gave $50.00 3/17/2016
Kelsey Ellis  gave  3/13/2016
"Always happy to support a great cause! Thanks for doing this fund raising, Cassie!"
Brienne Costa  gave  3/8/2016